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Unaffordable Cost Of Living & Unchecked Taxation on Vermonters

Common Sense & Balance in the Legislature


Vermonters are pushed to the limits on providing basic needs to their families. Government spending is out of control and Vermonters are suffering the consequences. 

And in the midst of this madness, our current supermajority legislature:

This makes zero sense when struggling Vermont households are trying to afford the basics for their families.  Fiscal Responsibility and Awareness of the real issues facing average Vermonters ARE my CALLs TO ACTION.

Government easily “forgets” whose money it is actually spending

 To that point, I had a conversation with an incumbent legislator.  This lawmaker told me one of the things he/she learned early and was told clearly:  NEVER VOTE AGAINST THE BUDGET!!!  That sort of thinking has got to go!  As representatives of the People, it is incumbent on legislators to spend taxpayer dollars wisely, prudently and effectively.  Unchecked spending doesn't solve problems, it creates more.   Vermont does not have a revenue problem, IT HAS A SPENDING PROBLEM!

Legislative Imbalance

Today’s supermajority imbalance in the General Assembly always allows for a reversal of the Governor’s check and balance mechanism to veto laws.  The Governor’s veto power is critical to the responsible operation of our legislative functions in responding to slanted or troubling legislation, especially given his strong approval and trust rating.  We need common sense to set priorities and assure the focus on the true needs of Vermonters, not whatever the hot political topic of the day is.  Governor Scott's veto power MUST be restored and that is only accomplished by electing more conservatives to the General Assembly to support him.

Open discussion and contrary opinions are key to good solutions.

Whether it’s reforming Act 250 to enable economic growth and affordable housing, providing public safety at schools and on our streets, supporting our first responders and Veterans, controlling health care cost, advocating for responsible environmental actions, or fighting the mental health and addiction crises in Vermont, Vermont has always found a way to common sense answers – until now!  The current legislative imbalance is driving supermajority agendas with little to no responsiveness to contrary and logical voices – this situation is NOT sustainable for the best interest for VERMONT!  Balance in the General Assembly must be established!

Education Finance Reform and Property Taxes  

I am a less government, more local control advocate.  I believe that education finance reform should center around more local control of our homestead property taxes. Establishing a way of making sure local residential taxes stay local and district voters are connected to local spending decisions more directly. Let budget decisions tie more closely to tax rates with local homestead property as the base. I know of a couple of other candidates in other districts going down the same thought path.  Under the current education finance system, towns in school districts like CVUSD, MMUUSD, SBSD would suffer tax rate increases even with the impossible task of passing flat school spending budgets. Clearly, local control of education tax rates is marginal at best. 

I agree the State has a constitutional obligation to provide public education. I would propose an outline of educational finance changes that maintains state basic responsibility for education but delegates more local connection of spending to funding. 

  - Adapt the formula that takes into account and satisfies the Brigham ruling. It would designate  a weighted, proportional payment from that “state” fund to all districts based on their education needs and their ability (or lack of ability) to provide supplemental funding via town residential property taxes. I expect the formula would continue to take into account criteria being used now like k-12 distribution, rural coverage, ESL needs, special Ed requirements, taxing capability, etc. 

In addition, I believe we could create some different categories of non-homestead property rates. One for 2nd homes, one for commercial/industrial, one for long term rental properties (maybe we could effect lowering rental rates and help with part of the affordable housing problem). 

Just like our municipal property taxes, our education homestead property taxes must be under more local control. 

Why Vote for Bruce Roy

I have a unique combination of experiences, organizationally, fiscally, and culturally.  I am used to making critical, complex decisions with significant impact.  I believe in study, preparation AND FACTS!    

I am not afraid to voice my opinions.   I will not be hesitant to vote against the herd whether it’s the majority or my party if I don’t think the policy or legislation are in the best interest of my constituents.  Vermonters' priorities must be Montpelier's Priorities!

National Perspective

I don’t endorse or support any presidential candidate.   I am focused on bringing balance and common sense back to Vermont now.   I am well up to speed about the failure of Vermont’s educational finance system, our faltering health care system, and the unreasonable actions our Vermont legislators have taken  by regressive taxation and unchecked spending. I’ve had to dedicate almost all my energy to learning about this tangled mess.

Let me be clear on what I do support:

 I could just stay retired, but the future of Vermont is just too important to stay on the sidelines. 

 Good old Vermont common sense & a practical sharing of views will be my strategy to resolve Vermont’s most pressing issues!


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P.O. Box 184, Williston, VT  05495-0184